Dictionary of Moisture Protection & Restoration

roll billet molding = A common Norman molding consisting of a series of billets, which are cylindrical in cross section, usually staggered in alternate rows.

roll billet molding

Romanesque style = An architectural style emerging in Europe in the 11 th century and lasting until the advent of Gothic architecture; based on Roman and Byzantine elements; found especially in churches, castles and

Romanesque Richardsonian

public buildings. It is characterized by round arches and by massive articulated wall, barrel, groined and ribbed vaults; semicircular arches. It served as the basis of the Richardson Roman- esque style practiced by Henry Hobson Richard- son (1838 – 1886) and his followers making use of architectural elements of the Romanesque style. rose window =

A large, circular medieval window containing tracery disposed in a radial man- ner.

rose window

rowlock arch = An arch wherein the bricks or small voussoirs are arranged in concentric rings.

rowlock arch


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