Dictionary of Moisture Protection & Restoration
High-lift grouting = Grouting of hollow wall after it is built fairly high; grout is poured in lifts of around four feet. Hod = V-shaped, long-handled carrier for mortar. . Hog = Improper laying, where one end of the wall has more courses than the other end, although both ends are the same height. Caused by different masons working on wall ends. . Hollow brick = A masonry unit whose net cross-sectional area in any plane parallel to the bearing surface is less than 75% of its gross cross-sectional plane area. Hydrated lime = Quicklime treated with water; used in masonry mortar. Also called slaked lime. Initial set = Beginning of mortar set. Intrados = Bottom course of an arch; opposed to extrados. IRA = Initial Rate of Absorption. Weight of water absorbed by a brick calculated in grams per 30 square inches of contact surface when brick is partially submerged in water for one minute.
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