Dictionary of Moisture Protection & Restoration
Shiner = Brick set on the face side with the large or bed side facing out. Shoved joint = Joint made by shoving end of one brick against another in the mortar bed. Sill - sill course = 1. Bottom of a window or door frame. 2. A stringcourse set at
windowsill level; commonly differentiated from the wall by its greater projection, its finish, or its thickness.
Skew - skewback = 1. To twist back or lean; to incline. 2. Inclined surface at end of arch where arch joins the supporting wall. Slack to the line = Masonry units set too far back from the
guideline. Slaking = Adding water to hydrate lime. Slaked lime = Quicklime with water added. Slump test =
A slump test measures how easy a concrete mix will be to work with. The figure below shows
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