Dictionary of Moisture Protection & Restoration

allure, alure, alur = A gallery or passage, as along the parapets of a castle, around the roof of a church, or along a cloister.


ambry,almar, almery = A cupboard or niche in a chancel wall for the utensils of the Eucha- rist, an armanium. A storage place, storeroom, closet or pantry.


amortizement = The sloping part of a buttress or projecting pier.


ancon, pl. ancones = A scrolled bracket, which supports a cornice or entablature over a door or window. A projecting boss on a column drum or wall block.


Anglo-Saxon architecture = The pre-Romanesque architect- ture of England before the Nor- man Conquest (1066 AD). Mas- sive walls and round arches: long-and-short work.



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