Dictionary of Moisture Protection & Restoration

respond = A support, usually a corbel or pilaster, affixed to a wall to re- ceive one end of an arch, a groin, or a vault rib.


reticulated molding = A molding decorated with filets interlaced to form a network or mesh-like ap- pearance rib =

reticulated molding

A curved structural member supporting any curved shape or panel. In a vaulted roof, the moldings which separate the various roof panels. A raised ridge to provide stiff- ness.


rinceau = In Classical architecture and derivative, an orna- mental band of undulant and recurving plant mo- tifs.


Rococo = A style of architecture and decoration, pri- marily French, which represents the final phase of the Baroque; characterized by pro- fuse, often semiab- stract ornamentation and lightness of color and weight. Rococo


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