Dictionary of Moisture Protection & Restoration
MASONRY WORK Both knowledge and technique are required to repair and restore masonry work. No matter how long you have been working in the masonry field, unfamiliar problems and situations continue to come up. The understanding of how the original or previous installations took place and the knowledge of the correct trade terminology are essential. A lot of research and testing is often required before starting a masonry restoration project. It is a challenging trade, as we are required to preserve and/or restore masonry, which most of the time does not meet existing codes and standards. Masonry walls have a high compressive strength, but they are weak in flexure. While restoring such walls, you will often be faced with providing new control joints and installing new reinforcing steel to help the building meet the current codes, but you still have to preserve the original appearance. The following illustrations and descriptions will offer you easy references and help you solve most problems. Correct trade terminology is emphasized to help you communicate and perform the scope of restoration. Please refer to local building codes as they vary from state to state, especially where seismic requirements are different.
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