Dictionary of Moisture Protection & Restoration
Broken rangework = Stone masonry laid in horizontal courses of different heights, any one course of which may be broken (at intervals) into two or more courses. Burning the joint = Mortar joint that is tooled after the mortar has partially set and is hard, leaving dark streaks. Cell = Void in masonry unit with a cross-sectional area A mixture of materials (without aggregate) which, when in a plastic state, possesses adhesive and cohesive properties that harden in place. The term is frequently misused, e.g. “cement” block for concrete block. Portland cement = A calcined combination of limestone and clay, combined with an aggregate that reacts chemically when water is added. Centering = greater than 1 ½ square inch. Cement (portland cement) =
A temporary structure upon which the materials of a vault or arch are supported in position until the work becomes self-supporting. Clinker brick =
A very hard-burned brick whose shape is distorted or bloated due to nearly complete vitrification.
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