Dictionary of Moisture Protection & Restoration
King closure = Closure made using a brick with one corner cut off diagonally to give one two-inch end and one full-
width end. Laitance =
A layer of weak material containing cement and f ines from aggregates, which is brought to the surface of overwet concrete by the bleeding of water to the top. Lap = Distance one masonry unit extends over another. Lateral thrust = Pressure from the side/horizontal load, for example, on the outside of the base of a round arch. Lead = Built-up masonry corner used as a guide in laying a wall. Lean concrete - lean mortar = Concrete or mortar of low cement content and thin consistency. Opposite of fat concrete or mortar. Lift = Height of grout, mortar or concrete placed at one time from one pour or application. Lime = Quicklime made by burning off calcium dioxide from limestone.
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