Dictionary of Moisture Protection & Restoration

Struck joint = Mortar joint that has been finished with a trowel and is beveled in at the bottom. Structural clay unit = Fired masonry unit such as brick or tile. Suction rate = Ability of a material, such as brick, to absorb water. Also called initial rate of absorption. Surface bonding = Method of laying concrete block in a wall without mortar in the joints; wall is coated with a special surface bonding mortar containing fiberglass. Synthetic stone = Manufactured stone. Tailing the lead = Aligning masonry courses on a corner so they are straight and level. Temper = Adding water to mortar; to moisten and mix to a proper consistency. Template = Shaped pattern or guide used when forming or laying brick to follow a specific shape. Tender = Laborer who helps a mason, for example, by bringing mortar or brick.


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